
Archive for June, 2010

Merge Error

June 29, 2010 Comments off


I am not able to complete a mail merge. The error that I get is: “Error has occurred: Could not open table MSysAccounts” in the workgroup file. The merger would fail and I could not get the fields to insert into the document.

Gathering Information:

I Googled the error and I restricted my search to and I only got five articles. I dropped the restriction and found more. I found several articles that indicate this is a rights issue so I thought I would move the data to Access. The article indicated that the MsysAccounts table is recreated when Access restarts. A reboot was in order but it did not fix it. The information for this error relates to Access 2 or Visual Basic programs so I am stumped as to why this is showing up on Office 2007. I found office diag program and I ran that program. It takes up to 25 minutes but told me nothing.


H1. Move the data Access and try again

H2. Reboot the system.

H3. Convert the data file to Excel 2003.

H4. Install service pack 2 on office

H5. Remove the Avery Office wizard

H6. Change rights for User.


H1. Failed. I got the same error.

H2. Failed. This did work for a short time.

H3 Failed.

H4. Failed. Install no change.

H5. Failed

H6. Accepted. My user was in User and Administrator groups. Windows rights default to the most restrictive rights when you are two groups. With my user in User group, I did not have access to MSysaccount table.

Step by Step

Windows 2008 Server Help provided these step by step instructions:

To add a member to a local group using the Windows interface

Categories: Word